
Definition and History of TCP / IP

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What is TCP / IP?

TCP / IP protocol type is one who allows the collection of computers to communicate and exchange data within a network (the network). Who represents the set of rules allows computers to connect to each other, usually a form / time / line / error checking for data transmission.

What makes TCP / IP to be important?

Because TCP / IP is the protocol who have applied to almost all the hardware and operating systems. There is not another piece of a series of protocols available padasemua following systems:
a. Novel Netware.
b. IBM mainframe.
c. Digital VMS system.
d. Microsoft Windows NT Server
e. UNIX workstations, Linux, FreeBSD
f. DOS personal computer.

How early presence of TCP / IP?

The concept of TCP / IP originated from the needs of DoD (Department of Defense), the U.S. will be a communication between a variety of computers who have been there. DoD computers are often connected between one organization should researchers dg organizations other researchers, and must stay in touch so that the country's defense continues to run during the disaster, like a nuclear explosion. Therefore in 1969 began the study of a series of TCP / IP. Among the objectives of this study are as follows:

1. The creation of common protocols, DoD who need a protocol be established for all networks.
2. Improving the efficiency of data communications.
3. Technology can be combined with WAN (Wide Area Network) that has been there.
4. Easily configured.

DoD 1968 ARPAnet (Advanced Reseach Project Agency) to start the study who later became the forerunner to packet switching. Packet switching is who enables communication between network layer (discussed later) where the data are executed and distributed through the network in the form of small units I would call a packet * . Each packet is carrying the address information of each who handled exclusively by the network and does not depend on other packages. Who developed this network, who use the ARPAnet as the backbone, became famous as the Internet.

Protocols TCP / IP was developed further in early 1980 and became the standard protocols for the ARPAnet in 1983. These protocols have increased in popularity in the user community when the TCP / IP are incorporated into version 2.4 of the BSD (Berkeley Standard Distribution) UNIX. This version is widely used in research and educational institution and used as the basis of some commercial application of UNIX, including Sun's SunOS and Ultrix from Digital. Because BSD UNIX to establish the relationship between the TCP / IP and the UNIX operating system, many UNIX implementations today combine TCP / IP. unit where much of the information network to communicate. Each packet contains the identity (header) sending and receiving stations, error-control information, request a service in the network layer, information on how to handle the request and any important data that must be transferred.

What services are given by the TCP / IP

Here is a service "Traditional" vicarious TCP / IP:

* Shipping files (file transfer). File Transfer Protocol (FTP) allows computer users to the other one can send or receive files to a computer network. Because the data security problem, it often requires FTP username (username) and password, although many are also accessible via FTP anonymous who, Lias not berpassword. (See RFC 959 for FTP specification)
* Remote login. Network Terminal Protocol (Telnet) allows computer users can do to log in to a computer within a network. So this means that users use the computer as an extension of the computer network. (See RFC 854 and 855 for further telnet specification)
* Computer mail. Used to implement an electronic mail system.
* Network File System (NFS). Service access remote files who allow clients to access files on remote network computers even though the files are stored locally. (See RFC 1001 and 1002 for more information)
* Remote execution. Enables computer users to run a program in a different computer. Typically useful if users who use computers is limited, whereas it requires a lot of sources who in a computer system. There are several types of remote execution, some form of basic commands, that is who can run in the same computer system and some that use "remote procedure call system", who allows the program to call the subroutine that will be run on a different computer system . (As there are examples in the Berkeley UNIX command "rsh" and "rexec")
* Name servers. Who addresses the database name used on the Internet (see RFC 822 and 823 regarding the use of illuminative purposeful name server protocol to determine the host name on the internet.)

RFC (Request For Comments) is the standard who used the internet, although there is also content for discussion or who is bollocks. Published by the IAB (Internet Activities Board) who is an independent committee of researchers and professionals who understand the technical, condition and evolution of the Internet system. A letter RFC who follow the numbers indicate the status of RFCs:

S: standard, the official standard for the internet
DS: The draft standard, the protocol final stages before it is approved as a standard
PS: Proposed Standard, a standard protocol for future consideration
I: Informational, contains discussion materials allied information
E: Experimental, experimental protocols in the stage but not on standards track.
H: Historic, protocols who have replaced or are no longer considered for standardization.


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